vrijdag 29 oktober 2010

Cardkit cards

With the september cardkit from scrapfever i made these cards...
I really love the paper! It's christmas/winter paper but you can also use it to make a nonchristmas card ;-D so i did ;-D
Had a job colouring the face, what colour copics do i use for hindoe faces?? Does anybody know? Please tell me ç ause these are not the right colours but since i didn't want to mess things up more i left itlike this

zondag 24 oktober 2010

Cards etc challenge

I was bloghopping and came across this blog

There was a nice pattern of a kind of flower card.
You can ask for a scal file or a pdf file if you want to join the challenge.
So i did. Only restiction was that you have to join the challenge. No Problem!! I will probably do more challenges on this blog.

This is what i made. it's a christmas card (for my weekly christmascard challenge, i'm at week 47 now :_P

zondag 17 oktober 2010

mercibox cards

For the girls' teachers and korfbaltrainers i made these little thank you (merci) presents. When they have their christmasbreak the girls will hand them out.
I was searching for a long time for these boxes and at the SF forum there was someone who had a link to a blog that she found them on. joehoe!!!

Christmas humour

at the dcd christmasclub
this is the card i'm entering with

donderdag 14 oktober 2010


just wanna have fun is the title of the latest Lay out

A recipe

At the christmas club http://dcdchristmasclub.blogspot.com/2010/10/challenge-38-recipe.html
Finally found time again to play along

And my little girl is 8.....

already... time flies!!!
She got a hamster for her birthday, she is called Eefje ;-D She is sooo happy with her! It's a cute little thing!!

zondag 3 oktober 2010

some funghi pictures

that i took today in de Kaapse bossen

i just loooooooove autumn. Love to roam the woods looking for funghi, just walking throgh all the leaves! Luckily the girls and Brian love it too, so every moment we can we go to the woods

cards from wcmd

Yesterday at the scrapfever forum. That was such a great succes! There were a lot of techniques and workshops. I couldn't scrap yesterday but made up for it today

This is what i made
Workshop 3 luik card

Workshop candlecard

marmertechnique with shaving foam

Stamping with bleach